Track: C1. Empowering Rapid Carbon Neutrality
The transition to net zero carbon energy requires continued deployment of wind and solar renewable energy technologies and around-the-clock dispatchable nuclear energy for resilience and sustainability. The needed energy transition will occur in two fundamental phases: the first addresses the electricity sector (net zero carbon by 2035) and the second addresses our broader energy needs (including transportation and industrial applications by 2050). Renewable energy sources are needed to carry most of the energy load, but the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources requires significant "over build" and costly energy storage capacity. Supplementing renewable energy sources with ready-to-deploy nuclear concepts, available over the next decade with more advanced designs soon to follow thereafter, builds resilience, capacity, and flexibility. This presentation provides a summary of the present energy landscape and identifies how a phased implementation of nuclear energy technology can play a role in achieving resilient net zero electricity grid objectives by 2035 with existing light water reactor technology deployment. Additionally, sustainable total net zero carbon energy objectives are attainable by 2050 by leveraging more advanced reactor deployment across broader industrial applications.
There are numerous opportunities for partnerships between communities, State, Tribal, and local governments, utilities, and energy technology providers to diversify net zero carbon energy sources to establish a more resilient electricity grid in the near term and a more sustainable net zero carbon total energy supply in the long term.
While wind and solar energy sources are expected to provide the most significant portion of new net zero carbon energy, two basic types of advanced reactor designs are well suited to compliment renewable energy sources with 24/7 dispatchable power in a phased manner. Advanced small modular reactors that rely on existing light water reactor fuel designs and supply chains are well suited to make a near term impact. More advanced reactors that operate at higher temperatures but require a fuel supply that is only available from Russia (and currently established domestically) are well suited for deployment in the 2030s and 2040s to address non-electricity energy sector demands.
Utilities and other users deploying new advanced reactors should take early steps to engage communities, States, Tribal, and local governments in siting these facilities. As a specific opportunity, leveraging infrastructure at decommissioned, or soon to be decommissioned, coal power plants (another part of the transition to net zero carbon energy) can minimize the impacts of job loss and tax revenue decline in many communities. Factoring environmental and social justice priorities as a key element in deploying advanced reactors will also improve the value, equity, and sustainability of the energy transition.
Results/Lessons Learned
This is a forward-looking approach, with many lessons learned over the years, including some recent lessons, which will help a successful transition to net zero carbon energy where advanced reactors have a role to play. The presentation will identify and discuss actionable lessons learned available to address the expected challenges including workforce development, supply chain certainty, capital financing, regulatory efficiency improvement, and expediting the pathway to serial production costs.