Kevin Rader


Mutch Associates, LLC



Kevin Rader is a partner and Principal Environmental Scientist at Mutch Associates. He has more than twenty years of diversified experience in the field of environmental science and engineering. After receiving his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Delaware, he went on to pursue a career in environmental consulting, joining Mutch Associates, LLC and becoming one of its first partners. He has conducted both experimental and modeling studies investigating the speciation, toxicity, transport, and fate of metals and metalloids in surface waters and sediments. He has helped develop chemical fingerprinting techniques for mixed organic/inorganic groundwater plumes. He has experience developing and validating reactive transport models with user-friendly interfaces. He has also participated in peer review of groundwater flow and transport models. His experience also includes formulating and applying probabilistic and deterministic unit world models for metal risk assessment and hazard classification in rivers and lakes. In conducting these studies, Kevin has acquired considerable expertise working with chemical speciation models such as MINEQL+, Visual MINTEQ, WHAMV, WHAM6 and WHAM7 and has trained others in their use. His groundwater modeling experience includes work with Visual MODFLOW, GMS and Groundwater Vistas and the associated engines MODFLOW 2000, MT3DMS, MT3D-USGS and RT3D. His recent project experience includes using these models to allocate remedial costs among PRPs. He also possesses experience with ATRANS and BIOSCREEN. He has used these software packages to model flow and contaminant transport in complex glacial deposits and in fractured rock. Most recently he has helped develop custom reaction modules to model in situ chemical treatment of groundwater contamination.

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