Paolo Ciampi


Sapienza University of Rome


H1. In Situ Technologies: Lessons Learned (Poster)


Paolo graduated in Applied Geology from the University of Rome La Sapienza in 2015 and completed his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences in 2020. Since 2021, he has been a researcher, specializing in 2D and 3D hydrogeophysical modeling within a GIS environment and in developing multi-source conceptual models to support sustainable remediation of contaminated sites using innovative technologies within the same university. Starting in 2021, Paolo became a member of academic and emerging talent groups at NICOLE, the network for industrially coordinated sustainable land management in Europe. In 2022, he joined CERI (Research Center for prediction, prevention, and control of geological hazards) at the University of Rome La Sapienza, and in 2023, he became a partner in the startup Trireme S.r.l.

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