Michael Raimonde


Foth Infrastructure & Environment


B3. Remedy Implementation: Assessing Performance and Costs (Poster)


Lead Environmental Scientist/Project Manager Mr. Raimonde is a project principle who leads complex client facing projects that include those that involve multiple stakeholder groups, regulatory implications, and diversified risk profiles. He has 36 years of practical experience in the investigation and design of project solutions that include large-scale environmental investigation and remediation projects, construction projects and port and harbor projects. He has led remediation of soil and groundwater contamination to completion, construction of wastewater treatment facilities, construction of seawalls and multiuse onshore facilities, rebuilding of marinas, design of submerged habitat and dredged material management facilities. He is responsible for administration over $10 Million in grants issued through the Harbor Assistance Grant Program and state granting programs, management of FEMA-insured reconstruction, and significant client investments in environmental project assets.

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