Aline Jordens


Haemers Technologies


C9. GSR Metrics and Sustainable Remediation Assessment Tools (Poster), D6. LNAPL Recovery/Remediation Technology Transitions (Poster), G5. Emerging Remediation Technologies (Poster), H2. Thermal Conductive Heating: Best Practices and Lessons Learned (Poster), H3. Remediation of Legacy Contaminants using Thermal Conductive Heating (Poster), H5. Electrical Resistance Heating: Best Practices and Lessons Learned (Poster)


Aline Jordens is innovation manager at Haemers Technologies. With a background in bioengineering, Aline started working for Haemers Technologies in 2018. She started out as a project engineer and project manager before moving into R&D. Today, she heads the innovation team, leading the company towards new developments, with a focus on energy efficiency.

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