Gerlinde Wolf




E9. PFAS Site Characterization (Poster)


Ms. Wolf is an environmental engineer with 10 years of experience who frequently works on remediation, sustainability assessment and environmental compliance projects. She has experience in remedial investigation, site characterization, design of various remediation technologies, sustainability analysis for remedial alternatives and facility inspection and preparation of spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plans. As an active member of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) and the current SURF president. She is subject matter expert (SME) on sustainable remediation at Ramboll she specializes in comparing the environmental footprint of remedial alternatives using the SiteWiseTM tool and identifying/designing sustainable remedies. She frequently performs qualitative and quantitative sustainable remediation assessments as part of remediation feasibility studies, and as part of this has considerable conceptual design experience for various groundwater, soil, and sediment remedies. She is a regular presenting and contributing author at various trade show events such as AEHS meetings and Battelle conferences and has hosted training sessions/workshops on use of sustainable remediation tools. Her master’s thesis work focused on in situ chemical oxidation and emerging sustainable groundwater remediation technologies.

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