Andrew Kirkman


Remediation Management, bp



Petroleum Remediation Subject Matter Expert Degrees in Geology and Geological Engineering from University of Minnesota His experience includes LNAPL at hydrocarbon sites and DNAPL related to coal tar and creosote. Andrew's career started doing field work including groundwater sampling, well installation, and hydrocarbon field investigations at railroad, pipeline, manufactured gas plant, and tie treatment plant sites. Continual technical development resulted in Andrew leading the AECOM’s LNAPL technical practice, leading the development of the ASTM LNAPL Transmissivity standard prior to joining BP. Andrew has publications in peer reviewed journals and technical guidance documents. Andrew Kirkman has provided workshops, conference presentations and webinar trainings at Association for Environmental Health and Safety Foundation conferences for the past decade. Andrew has delivered discussions on LNAPL transmissivity and high-resolution characterization to ASTSWMO and at the tanks conference historically. Andrew was previously a trainer for ASTM International on the LNAPL Transmissivity Standard E2856-13, has been involved with ITRC LNAPL training for the past 9 years, as well as provided LNAPL related training for the States of Virginia, Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota. Most recently Andrew is supporting the development of the ASTM guide Moving Sites Towards Closure which is applicable to underground storage tanks.

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