Joe Duran


WSP Australia


B3. Remedy Implementation: Assessing Performance and Costs (Poster)


Joe is a Technical Director (Hydrogeology) at WSP Australia with over thirty-six years of experience working across a wide range of industries in Australia and the USA. Joe has been involved for over 33 years in one the largest contaminated groundwater projects in Australia at the Orica Botany petrochemical complex. He has been involved in the implementation of several remediation trials at this site including a zero-valent iron Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) in 1999 and several passive and active bioremediation trials in 2004 and ultimately the design and installation of a large-scale hydraulic containment system which has been in operations since 2006. Joe is an EPA appointed Environmental Auditor in several jurisdictions within Australia and has chaired the Victorian EPA Groundwater Advisory Working Group since 2018.

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