Kenneth Puentes


Engineering Analytics, Inc


D3. Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessment and Site Management (Poster)


Professional experience in hydrogeology since 1989. I currently provide hydrogeologic consulting, technical expertise and project management services and supervise, train, and mentor staff level hydrogeologists and engineers. The work spans daily management of multiple environmental projects including detailed and routine evaluations and analyses, meetings, reporting, metric tracking, compliance monitoring, assessment and remediation design and implementation, and peer review; planning and implementation of public participation plans and community outreach programs; soil and groundwater assessments, Remedial Investigations, Feasibility Studies; indoor air vapor intrusion assessments; due diligence and property divestiture support; and high-level interaction and collaboration with clients on technical and legal strategic planning for their environmental liabilities. Projects include CERCLA, RCRA, Superfund, State agency- and Local County-directed sites, as well as those conducted under voluntary or cooperative agreements. Clients include Fortune 500 corporations and other, smaller companies and corporations in the private business sector. Areas of specialization include interpretation and evaluation of contaminant and emergent compound distribution and fate and transport in the subsurface, vapor intrusion evaluations, preparation and evaluation of Conceptual Site Models (CSMs), design and implementation of Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA), optimization of soil and groundwater remediation systems, and identification of opportunities and risks to short- and long-term environmental program plans.

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