Scott Potter




I3. PFAS Fate and Transport (Poster)


Scott T. Potter, PE, PhD – Dr. Potter is the Chief Hydrogeologist for Arcadis, US and is co-author of Remediation Hydraulics (CRC Press 2008) with Fred Payne and Joseph Quinnan. He has project experience developing site-wide remedial strategies, groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling, surface water flow and transport modeling, and quantitative analysis of hydrogeologic systems. He has directed quantitative studies at chemical facilities, petroleum refineries, solid and hazardous waste facilities, manufactured gas plants, manufacturing facilities, well fields, and mines to assess conditions and develop remediation strategies. He is currently active in the development and application of the 3-Comprtment model to assess mass flux and improved methods to combine uncertainty and system optimization. BS & MS in Environmental Eng (Penn state) PhD in Civil Eng (Penn State)

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