Kelly Horiuchi


VSOL Group & 212 Environmental


D4. Advances in Vapor Intrusion Investigations (Poster)


Paul Michalski, P.G. has presented case studies and research conducted as part of assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites to a wide variety of audiences. Paul initially focused on biochemistry and eventually earned his degree in Environmental Geology with a focus on soil science while at Colorado State University. For more than three decades, Paul has led teams in the assessment and cleanup of massive, contaminated sites across the United States. He formed 212 Environmental to leverage the efficiencies he realized over his career and bring to market the products and tools created along the way. Paul appreciates the power of collaborations and today will discuss recent laboratory innovations developed in concert with the VSOL Group. The team of VSOL Group and 212 Environmental have codeveloped a speciated hydrocarbon analysis to characterize light non-aqueous phase liquids and more closely examine changes following remedial actions.

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