Craig Cox


Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.


D2. Vapor Intrusion Preferential Pathways (Poster), D4. Advances in Vapor Intrusion Investigations (Poster)


Craig Cox currently serves as President and Principal Scientist for Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc, and is responsible for providing managerial and technical oversight on major environmental projects conducted by the firm under RCRA, CERCLA, and Brownfield programs. In addition to his consulting activities, Mr. Cox provides lectures and presentations at numerous regional and international conferences on the topics of groundwater contaminant migration and remediation, source area evaluations, and the assessment of vapor intrusion migration pathways. Mr. Cox is the inventor of the Vapor Pin® Sampling Device used worldwide, and is the primary architect of a variety of environmental database applications, including Data InspectorTM. Mr. Cox received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geology and Mineralogy from The Ohio State University and a Professional Degree in Hydrogeology from the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Cox is a founding member and sits on the board of the Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals (AVIP).

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(Group 1, Poster Board #118) Using the Conceptual Site Model to Visually Assess and Communicate “Source-Migration Pathway-Receptor Linkage”: A Case Study

Craig Cox

13th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds

Part of: D2.: Vapor Intrusion Preferential Pathways (Poster)
