John Dougherty


CDM Smith



John N. Dougherty is a senior hydrogeologist and Associate at CDM Smith. John has extensive experience applying a range of site characterization tools and drilling methods to the hydrogeologic characterization of groundwater contamination sites and for water supply wells. He is leading the application of environmental sequence stratigraphy (ESS) at CDM Smith. John uses a range of borehole geophysical tools for hydrogeologic characterization of bedrock and overburden. John uses WellCAD software to assess the geophysical data, in combination with lithologic and sample results, to finalize single screen and multiple level well design. John uses gINT, Leapfrog, and Open Ground software to manage and visualize borehole data, to support real time decision making in the field, and to generate boring logs and cross sections. John was on the team that developed the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council “Characterization and Remediation in Fractured Rock” guidance and was an instructor in the online training program from 2018 through 2022 when it was retired. John holds a Bachelors in Geosciences from Penn State University.

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